Art and culture of Amsterdam
Amsterdam is an old city embracing a new European nature. The government is based in The Hague, but Amsterdam is also considered the capital and residence of the Dutch royal family. The Dutch have also traditionally loved goodness and life when it comes to art.
Amsterdam is a city of less than a million people, with more than 50 cinemas, two ballet flats, a concert venue and several museums.
Led Airport is the tourist center of Amsterdam. There are many movies and films that offer all kinds of special films – Art House, Film Noir, English Only, New and many more. Distribution of Dutch films in the native language with Dutch subtitles and dialogue; For example, tourists can watch the film in their own language. Especially English.
Many cinemas offer the best and latest opera, live music, live music and many other genres. Usually the cinemas offer in the plaza or in the park. There is also a professional theater for Russian-Dutch youth. The Dutch Museum covers everything from graffiti to nba중계 both museums and galleries inside and on the street.
In over 400 museums in the Netherlands,
About 50 are located in Amsterdam and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. In addition to the usual work of the master, contemporary art, film and photography; Some of the museums to be found in Amsterdam are the Regis Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Botanical Museum, Museum of the Dutch Resistance during World War II, Heineken Experience and Ajax Museum (Dutch football team), a residential building. head. Museum, Museum of Violence, Museum of Sex and Gender, NEMO is a science museum for children on boats, Maritime Museum, Bible, Trail Museum and Jewish Museum. The city also has many museums.
The largest museum is the Regis Museum, which has Dutch history as well as some earlier religious works, and of course; sir
The Anne Frank House is located in the heart of the city.
The young man wrote to his brother and hid it from the Nazis and their family. The first note is available at home.
The Houseboat Museum is a beautiful boat used by some Amsterdam residents. Boats are provided as if the family is shopping or filming, and they will return anytime.
Tulip Museum in front of the Anne Frank House. This small museum provides multimedia on famous flowers and their history.
For those interested in the art of adult beer, find an assistant who will tell you all about beer. But there is a vodka museum, which shows not only the history of potato wine and bottles of vodka, but also a bar where tourists can enjoy the famous Russian duck. There is also a coffee and tea museum for coffee and tea lovers.
The Jewish Museum tells the story of the Dutch Jews and occupies four synagogues, some built in the 17th century.
The Amstar Dam Museum is located on the edge of the Red Light District and features furniture and religious artifacts.
Guests of St. In St. Petersburg, Russia, you’ll find some of the works stored in the Hermitage on Navsky Beach; But it is almost impossible to see everything within the walls of the castle. Tourists in Amsterdam can visit the Amsterdam Hermitage, where two exhibitions are held each year.
The TIN Theater Museum offers cinemas from the middle of the year. And the film provides an opportunity to see the history of cinema. FOAM specializes in photography.
For those interested in antiques and antiques, the Allard Pearson Museum.
And of course; The old town would not be complete without the Amsterdam History Museum and the Dutch Shop Museum Maritime Museum.
The Trail Museum has tropical exhibits around the world.
There is a museum dedicated to the works of Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt and author Dave Dixon.
Madame Tussauds allows tourists to see Rembrandt at work, Kylie Mange, Bono, Bob Marley or on the court with Princess Maxima.
The luggage museum is dedicated to Hendrikje’s leading manufacturer of women’s bags and offers thousands of women’s accessories for tourists.