Does Health Insurance Cover a Rhinoplasty?

If you are reading this post, it is probably because you are interested in contracting health care insurance, and you may have doubts regarding the coverage of certain services within the medical policy, such as whether the health insurance covers a rhinoplasty. There are many reasons why a person wants to undergo a nose job, but the most serious is when you cannot breathe well and have respiratory problems where interventions such as turbinate surgery or secondary septoplasty rhinoplasty are required.

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On the one hand, this type of operation is performed for aesthetic purposes but also to solve respiratory problems for different reasons. Therefore, to put an end to these problems, there is this operation.

What does it consist of? – Does health insurance cover rhinoplasty?

Before talking about whether NPI health insurance covers a rhinoplasty, we are going to tell more about this concept to clarify doubts.

It is called rhinoplasty to the nose operation that is performed for different purposes; that is, each operation of this type is performed according to the needs and problems of the patient. And what are these ends? Well, rhinoplasty can be carried out to correct birth defects, nasal discomfort, congenital asymmetries, accidental deformity, respiratory problems, or simply for aesthetics.

In short, this surgical operation corrects the imperfections or deformations of the nose and guarantees an improvement in your health. For this reason, it has become a very recurring operation for people who suffer from these problems mentioned above.

Respiratory problems – does health insurance cover rhinoplasty?

We have mentioned before that one of the reasons why many people decide to have a rhinoplasty operation is due to respiratory problems.

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Respiratory problems are caused by different reasons, but those that affect nasal obstruction permanently can have negative consequences on our health.

When shortness of breath is due to one of the following problems, it is advisable to perform a rhinoplasty:

Nasal cysts or tumors:

In this case, there are usually complications breathing through one side of the nose due to the blockage that the malignant or benign tumor is causing.

Atresia canal:

It is caused from birth and consists of breathing difficulties when the bone closes the nasopharynx, which means the back of the nose.

Piriformis aperture stenosis:

It is caused by the narrowing of the nostril in such a way that it causes obstruction of the nose.

deviated septum:

When the septum leans more to one side than the other, it prevents you from breathing normally. This problem can be from birth or arise from an injury.

Faced with this type of problem, it is necessary to be well informed if the medical insurance covers a rhinoplasty. To do this, read carefully if it is within the benefits of the policy that you have contracted or are going to contract. Why do we insist on this point? Well, if your nose operation is for a purely aesthetic factor, it will not be included in any insurance because cosmetic surgery is not included in insurance. Regarding aesthetic services, has agreements with health professionals who will advise you on the service to be performed and it’s budget.

But if the reason for your rhinoplasty operation is due to a congenital defect, an accident, or illness, in many insurance companies, the medical insurance covers a rhinoplasty.

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This means that many insurers include reconstructive plastic surgery within the coverage of their policy, among which is rhinoplasty.

There are cases in which the doctor recommends the patient with respiratory problems undergo a surgical intervention of this style so that the person enjoys a better quality of life. For example, in the case of people suffering from sleep apnea, or a breathing problem due to the position of the nostrils, it is advisable to have a specialized doctor observe you and make sure if the health insurance covers a rhinoplasty.

In unexpected cases such as accidents, in which a strong impact is suffered where the nose is affected and where it is necessary to recover its previous appearance, you should know that the health insurance covers a rhinoplasty.

Who can undergo rhinoplasty?

Now that we know the cases in which the medical insurance covers a rhinoplasty, we are going to indicate which people are suitable to undergo this type of operation.

This person must enjoy good health and be psychologically prepared for the operation which they are going to undergo.

It is recommended to perform these surgeries in adolescents with a minimum age of 14 or 15 years in the case of girls and 16 to 18 years in the case of boys. This is because the facial skeleton is in its mature stage.

How is the postoperative of a rhinoplasty?

If your medical insurance finally covers you for rhinoplasty, you should know that the postoperative period lasts a few days. First of all, the patient must be prepared for the change once the splint is removed since he will appreciate a change in his facial features.

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As we have mentioned before, after the operation, a nasal splint is usually placed that covers the affected area for greater protection; this splint should be worn between one to two weeks.

The surrounding area usually swells due to the operation, but over the days, it progressively decreases, and in two or three months, the final result is achieved.

Your nose will be proportional and in harmony with the face. Also, your respiratory problems will be solved, and you will be able to breathe in conditions.

Find out if health insurance covers a rhinoplasty.

After reading this article, you should already know in which cases the medical insurance covers a rhinoplasty, but if you have any questions or need any clarification, do not hesitate to contact us through the following link.
