Doesn’t work: 7 Causes of Constipation and How to Deal with Them
It is somehow not accepted to discuss “toilet” problems with friends and acquaintances, and we usually do not rush to tell close relatives that we have encountered difficulties when going to the toilet. At the same time, constipation is a fairly common problem, which, despite its delicacy, still needs to be solved. Let’s figure out what the causes of constipation can be and what to do with these reasons.
Constipation is a disorder of the digestive system, in which bowel movements occur every two days or less, and the stool itself becomes denser than usual.
In short, with constipation, an effective trip to the toilet becomes a real event, but the process itself brings a lot of difficulties, often accompanied by pain and other discomfort. Other symptoms of constipation include a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, bloating, and gas.
What is constipation
Doctors distinguish between several types of constipation – each category of violation has its own ways of dealing with it.
The most common is spastic constipation , the causes of which are associated with strong muscle tissue tension. The intestinal walls are constantly in good shape, this interferes with normal bowel movements, and even after a person has successfully gone to the toilet, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement may remain. Spasmodic constipation is often associated with anxiety and severe stress.
Another variant of constipation is atonic . In this case, the intestine simply stops contracting as needed and is “lazy” to move the contents to the exit. Atonic constipation can occur due to the abuse of enemas or the frequent use of laxatives.
A separate category of problems is chronic constipation . The reasons for its occurrence may be different, but it is the chronic form that is said then if problems with defecation are observed for at least six months.
According to statistics, in the world about one in ten suffers from constipation, but it is possible that these data do not fully reflect the picture: for example, in Russia, constipation is diagnosed in about a third of the population, and in the UK, almost every second. In general, problems such as constipation, treatment, causes and prevention of the development of this digestive disorder are of concern to very, very many.