What Do Mealworms Eat?

Mealworms are often used as reptile food, fish bait or animal feed. They are actually the larvae of various species of darkling beetles (aka flour beetles). As an omnivorous creature, mealworms will eat almost anything they find. In the wild, mealworms are found rummaging through decomposing plant material and fungus. They will also consume discarded table scraps, such as banana peel and watermelon rind, bread and bran and even dead animals. In captivity, mealworms can also be fed dry dog and cat food, bird seed and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Mealworm breeding is popular with those who want to use them as a food source for reptiles, birds, fish and other pets. They are easy to grow at home, can be fed a mix of fruits and vegetables and are super nutritious. They are also a great way to recycle household waste. If you’re considering raising your own mealworms, then it is important to understand what they eat and their needs.

The mealworms’ main food sources are the fungus, yeasts, and mold that grows on plants or in the soil. They are also quite fond of consuming a variety of grain in meal form such as oatmeal, cornmeal and wheat.

What do mealworms eat? They will also eat a range of fruit and vegetable scraps, such as bananas (with the peel), peaches and carrots. In addition, they will eat dried foods such as cereals, bread and bran. They can also be given a bit of cooked meat, chicken, beef, or turkey from time to time. The most important thing to remember is that mealworms do not drink water, so they will need to absorb moisture from their food.

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In the wild, mealworms live in dark and damp environments. They are often found under rocks, logs or in the ground in animal burrows. They are general decomposers that eat decaying leaves, sticks, grasses and new plant growth and as a result they will help to keep the environment clean and free of rubbish. They are also very good at cleaning up and can be seen scavenging in cupboards, pantries or anywhere food is stored. They have a number of natural predators including reptiles, rodents, birds, and spiders.

Mealworms are a vital part of the natural ecosystem, acting as decomposers and cleaning up decaying leaves, sticks, dung, and old animal carcasses. They are also known to decompose synthetic polymers such as plastics, cellulose, and polystyrene which contain HBCD (hexabromocyclododecane), a resilient and bioaccumulative flame retardant chemical.

Despite their many natural predators, mealworms are relatively safe to keep and breed in the home provided they are kept in a safe and well-lit area and do not come into contact with any harmful chemicals or toxins. The best place to raise them is in a shallow tray filled with a mix of damp wood shavings and vermiculite or coir (coconut fiber) as bedding. It is also important to avoid any containers made of cardboard or fabric as the mealworms may latch onto them and escape.