How to Lose Weight with Obesity

Diet alone is not enough to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It is much more effective to combine diet with exercise and changing your eating habits. The diet is especially effective for initial weight loss. Body weight is determined by the balance between calorie intake and expenditure. The main expenditure of calories in the average person  is spent […]

4 mins read

Diabulimia: A Deadly Eating Disorder Few Heard Of

Patients with type 1 diabetes are in vital need of insulin, and indeed should be more sensitive to their health than healthy people. But sometimes patients, most often women, begin to deliberately inject themselves less insulin than they need. They decide to play a deadly game in order to lose weight. Type 1 diabetes is an insulin-dependent […]

5 mins read

Size matters? Anxiety of men and the response of a urologist. 18+

According to statistics, every third man on the planet is unhappy with the size of his penis. Why it happens? What can be called the norm? And is size so important? The answers to these and other inconvenient questions are given by the Norwegian surgeon and urologist Sturla Pilskog. Let’s take a look at his book  “Penis” . Historical ideal Ancient Greek […]

7 mins read